

The Cheap Spot is your place to find all the products you want, cheap. Our mission is to remove the stigma associated with the word cheap. We provide one place to find all of the clearance, sale, discount, or just straight up cheap products on the web without all the marketing nonsense. Cheap doesn’t mean low quality. Cheap means you get to save money while still rocking your favorite outfit, driving in the freshest whip, hiking the nearest mountain or just chilling at home.

How We Got Our Start

We’re just 2 e-commerce marketing guys that got tired of all the nonsense we were seeing in our industry, who just so happen to like to save a penny here and there. It seems everyone is searching for cheap everything and anything, yet brands are scared to touch the term with a ten foot pole. That’s where the idea was generated. What if we could provide the people we’ve been trying to ploy with marketing terms like “designer high end discounts”, and just serve it to them real.

We want to market to you the real way. The authentic way. The way you want it. The stuff we feature is cheap, plain and simple. We’ll provide the product information, where to find it, the price, and leave the rest up to you. Plain and simple. No gimmicks, no nonsense.

How Does It Work?

How does it work and why are we doing it? Money and passion. Remember when we told you no nonsense? This is it. We get paid every time you click a link on our site and buy a product. The Cheap Spot doesn’t facilitate sales, fulfillment or handle customer service. We just refer you to place you want to be, you buy, we get paid.

While we’re doing this, we also get to find some sweet savings for stuff we want. It’s a win/win for us and you.

Have any questions or comments about how we can serve you better? Just reach out to us on our Contact Us page and we’d love to hear your feedback.

What Now?

Get shopping and starts saving some serious dough! Visit our top categories below, and feel free to be as cheap as you want. We want hold it against you if you clal them cheap, we promise.